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Attention MPEC Members: Below is MPEC Election information and a list of candidates and offices for which they are seeking your vote. Information about Voter Eligibility, the official Election Notice, policies and procedures are included in the following documents. Click the images or links below to enlarge.

Click here for 2018 Official Candidates List.

Click here for Additional Important Election Information.


Maryland Professional Employees Council Election of Officers and Delegates to Convention

In accordance with the Constitution and By Laws of the Maryland Professional Employees Council, (MPEC), AFT-Maryland, American Federation of Teachers (AFT), AFL-CIO, attached is the Nominations Form for the election of Executive Officers  and the Convention Delegates to the AFT Convention, the AFT-Maryland Convention and the Maryland State AFL-CIO Convention.

As provided in the by laws of Local 6197, any full member of MPEC, who has been in good standing for at least six months prior to the date of the


Maryland Professional Employees Council members and staff were in Annapolis to lobby on behalf of their membership. They came to the state capitol to discuss ensuring Maryland state professionals were priorities in the state budget. President Jerry Smith and chief steward Ronnie Myers had meetings in both houses of the General Assembly.

Other members and staff had the chance to engage with other legislators. As usual, the pension was something of great interest to members. MPEC took meetings with the chair of the House committee on Health and Government Operations Del. Shane Pendergrass. Also


The new contracts will be distributed to members in worksite meetings taking place during the month of March.  These will be available to full members of MPEC.  Not a full member?  It's easy to become one now!  It takes just 3 minutes to sign up on line!

Can't wait to review the contract?  It's easy to  review at the contract online!


[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_original","fid":"52046","attributes":{"alt":"","class":"media-image","style":"width: 100%; margin-top: 4px; margin-bottom: 4px;"}}]]Stewards are the lifeline of public employees unions and that is no different for state workers in Maryland. The Maryland Professional Employees Council (MPEC)  and AFT Healthcare-Maryland (AFTHCMD) brought together a host of activists and leaders for an important stewards’ training on Friday, February 23, 2018. Jacqueline Raines of MPEC was the lead facilitator for the day but the staff of both organizations played a vital role in preparing the stewards for their duties. 33 professionals from MPEC and 11 healthcare professionals attended the training.


The Maryland Professional Employees recent contract provides $500 in tuition reimbursement per year for union members.  This can be found in Article 18 Section 4 of our contract!