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MPEC members made their voices heard during this legislative session.  Over 50 MPEC and AFT Healthcare members participated in three lobby nights during the 2017 legislative session. Members spoke with legislators about important topics to state employees, including investing in Maryland and valuing state employees, improving indoor air quality and working conditions for state employees.  Still, the Governor did not include raises for state employees in this year's budget. 


The Maryland Senate passed SB540, creating a study of alternatives to the current defined benefit pension system.  Any alternative that drains resources from the pension system will be harmful for the state’s economy, taxpayers and state employees.  Your delegates need to hear from you that these priorities just don’t add up.  

A bill that will positively impact state employees is the Payroll Recovery Act (SB1031).  The House version of this bill passed the House of Delegates last night and is currently being heard in the Senate. 

MPEC members lobbied state legislators on this issue on Monday


MPEC and AFT Healthcare-Maryland gathered in Annapolis to once again call on the General Assembly and remind Governor Hogan to #InvestinMD. Members, staff, and leadership met with delegates and senators of the General Assembly to ensure they remember all of the indispensable services state employees provide for Marylanders.

While it is important that air quality be held to a safe and healthy standard, MPEC and AFT Healthcare-Maryland members reminded legislators that #SomeCutsDontHeal. Cuts to state employees amount to a cut in the high quality state service that Marylanders deserve. The unions


The 2016 AFT National Convention in Minneapolis, MN was one for the ages. Not only was it the 100th anniversary of the union, but there were a number of high profile elected officials and social justice activists that addressed the convention. The members even took to the streets themselves to put the rhetoric into action. The AFT-Maryland delegation was not only well represented but they also had a strong impact on the presentations and displays during the convention.

The convention kicked off with President Randi Weingarten’s state of the union address. Included in her remarks were a number

The second day of the AFT National Convention in Minneapolis, MN was one that focused on human and civil rights. Important national figures such as Rashard Robinson from Color of Change and Sybrina Fulton, mother of Trayvon Martin both addressed the convention. They spoke about the need for justice and calming of violence from police against citizens as well as retaliatory attacks on police.  They were well received and members were eager to hear from them; particularly Fulton, given the resilient strength she’s shown in the very public murder of her son.
The action on human and civil rights