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Indoor Air Quality


Poor indoor air quality is a major issue in state-owned and lease buildings. Because there is currently no standard for indoor air quality in MD, MPEC is unable to hold the state accountable for the issues members are suffering due to poor conditions in their work buildings.


MPEC is working to change that. We're starting with documenting the problem.

Interested in joing the Indoor Air Quality committee? Sign up here.

Find out more about how MPEC is working to create an indoor air quality standard here: iaq_pp_4.27.17_training.pptx


Poor indoor air quality is a major issue across state owned and leased buildings.  There is currently no standard for indoor air quality in state buildings -- therefore, we are unable to hold the state accountable for the issues MPEC members are suffering due to poor indoor air quality in their buildings. 

The indoor air quality legislation (HB1290) that MPEC introduced did not make it out of committee.  Based on the fiscal note, the state determined that testing of state owned and leased buildings would be too expensive.

MPEC members took a survey this past winter and 85% of people who