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Governor Hogan has ordered movement to an Elevated Level 2 status for all Executive Branch agencies, this means:

  • All non-emergency essential personnel who can perform their duties from home must do so in order to help contain the spread of the Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). Employees who telework shall be compensated for their work at their regular rate of pay.
  • All teleworkers must sign the Interim Pandemic-Associated Teleworking Agreement.
  • During this period of mandatory telework for non-emergency essential personnel, State operations are NOT shutting down, but public access to State

Valentine’s Day is a day of love, and MPEC was in the Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulations (DLLR) spreading union love. Organizer Aaron Ray tabled at the facility during lunchtime. He engaged workers on a number of issues, but one that drew the most interest was reclassification and back-pay associated with it. There are a number of state employees at that agency who have recently been or will soon be reclassified and become a part of the MPEC bargaining unit. For some, this will come with pay increases. Those potentially affected were curious and spoke with the organizer about what


[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_original","fid":"64752","attributes":{"alt":"","class":"media-image","height":"1244","style":"width: 100%; margin-top: 3px; margin-bottom: 3px;","width":"2560"}}]]The state’s plan to cut off our prescription benefit after age 65 will significantly diminish our retirement savings and the retirement life we have planned. SB946 passed the General Assembly in April and became law May 25, 2019. There are many questions surrounding SB946 and its implementation yet answers are not available. Click here to read the legislative history and other relevant information about the prescription drug plan.


The Maryland Professional Employees Council (MPEC) trained another round of stewards on Thursday, October 17, 2019. The member activists serve the union on a volunteer basis and will be the point persons at their worksites for information their co-workers need to know. The day-long training took place at the Maryland Department of the Environment and featured presentations from MPEC board members and staff as well as staff from AFT-Maryland.

The new stewards represent agencies throughout the state. They learned about the contract, negotiations, safe and healthy work standards for their work

Randi Weingarten and NYC teacher Tamara Simpson

Attacks on public education in America by extremists and culture-war peddling politicians have reached new heights (“lows” may be more apt), but they are not new. The difference today is that the attacks are intended not just to undermine public education but to destroy it.


[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_original","fid":"54599","attributes":{"alt":"","class":"media-image media-image-right","height":"800","style":"width: 125px; height: 125px; float: right;","width":"800"}}]]Going to work should not impair our health; there is a pattern of acute health conditions linked to the time employees spend in state buildings. The state is obligated to provide safe and healthy workspaces. Resolving shameful conditions in state buildings should be a priority. The state says our working conditions are safe; however, this is not our reality. We must make our reality known