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Maryland Professional Employees Council was front and center at the State Center worksite, engaging members, talking to union activists, and rallying the bargaining unit for upcoming economic negotiations. The union chose the Farmers Market as the day to be on the street talking to members who were out and about. MPEC leadership and staff explained to all state workers what the union had done to get cost of living adjustments and to get the one-time bonus money for state workers.

Many members and state workers were unaware of the union’s hard work. They were under the impression these were


A federal judge ruled Wednesday that Maryland can't force state retirees to switch to a federal prescription drug plan during this enrollment period. On Thursday, the State announced that they would extend coverage through December 2019.

“This means impacted retirees DO NOT have to enroll in a Medicare Part D plan for 2019 and may continue the coverage they have now into 2019 and at the same premium they are paying now,” the administration said in a post to the website of the Department of Budget and Management. “Details will follow in a notice mailed to retirees' homes.”

Read more at The


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Maryland employees earn an average of 20% less than their counterparts in similar county and city positions!
Wage  stagnation  contributes  to:
  • Under-Staffing
  • Stress
  • Low Morale
  • Low Performance
  • High Turn-Over
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When we fight… we win! That was the battle cry at the 2018 Maryland Professional Employees Council annual member meeting. The meeting addressed the Supreme Court’s Janus decision but also focused on upcoming battles the union would be undertaking. Staff and members received thorough overviews from Royale Simms about the state of contracts and the give and take of previous negotiations with the state. Simms also spoke about many of the day-to-day challenges members of the bargaining unit experience. Members appreciated the thorough and candid conversation in Simms report.

Interim Director Jacque


[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_original","fid":"54599","attributes":{"alt":"","class":"media-image media-image-right","style":"width: 224.063px; float: right; margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px;"}}]]Statement from Maryland Professionals Employees Council President Jerry Smith on the SCOTUS Decision in Janus v. AFSCME Council 31

In life there will be highs and lows. The Supreme Court's decision to side with millionaires and billionaires and silence the voice of public sector workers is one of those lows. Despite that, the Maryland Professional Employees Council will remain dedicated to improving quality of life for our members and the citizens of Maryland we serve. We are committed to doing well by doing good. We remain faithful to our



Attention Union Members! Right now, your political affiliation does not matter! It's your AFT-MPEC membership that matters! Anti-worker billionaires are spending millions to silence workers' collective voices in the workplace and at the negotiations table.

Any day, the Supreme Court could issue a decision that will hurt working people and potentially weaken workers right to collective bargaining.  Click here to read MORE, or watch the video below.