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The Maryland Professional Employees Council (MPEC) will hold a meeting to discuss the progress of negotiations on the new contract for Unit G employees in the Comptroller’s Office on October 3rd, 2013, at 301 W. Preston Street in Baltimore. The meeting will be held in the 13th Floor Conference Room from 11:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. Meeting attendees are encouraged to bring their lunches. Dessert will be provided.

Another MPEC debriefing meeting is scheduled for October 9th at the Ram’s Head Tavern, 33 West Street, in Annapolis from 5:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m.

An MPEC contract debriefing meeting was held on September 24th at the Maryland Transportation Authority, 2400 Broening Highway.

The meetings are MPEC’s attempt to assure that all Unit G employees understand how their salaries and benefits will be affected by the new contract.


Please click here to complete our Collective Bargaining Survey. The issues that are important to you are the issues that MPEC will take to the negotiations this summer when we bargaing a successor Memorandum of Understanding with the State of Maryland.

Please complete this survey no later than May 20, 2013.

In Unity,

Maria Mathias, President-MPEC



Maryland Professional Employees Council #6197, AFT-Maryland, AFT, AFL-CIO will have their Annual Meeting June 24, 2013 from 6:00PM until 8:00PM at the MPEC/MCEA offices at 7127 Rutherford Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21244.

Constitutional amendments to the MPEC constitution must be sent to the MPEC Executive Board 60 days prior to the annual meeting for possible consideration at the annual meeting. Submit suggested constitutional amendments to:

Maria Mathias-President MPEC
7127 Rutherford Road
Baltimore Maryland

An agenda item will be


The 3 percent increase negotiated by AFT-Healthcare-Maryland and the Maryland Professional Employees Council for state workers in Unit E and G, respectively, has passed both the House and Senate.

When the Maryland legislature votes on the final budget, the pay raise, scheduled for January 2014 and a Step Increase, scheduled for April 2014 will be law.


The leadership of the Maryland Professional Employees Council (MPEC) conducted informational learning sessions March 11 and 12  to inform Unit G members of pertinent union policies, and activities, and training schedules. 

The meetings were held in Training Room 2 of the State Highway Administration building, 707 North Calvert Street in Baltimore on March 11 and in Conference Room, C-1 of the Department of Natural Resources, Tawes State Office Building, 580 Taylor Avenue, in Annapolis, on March 12.

Unit G members discussed the upcoming negotiations on a new MPEC contract and told MPEC president


During AFT-Maryland’s Lobby Night, February 11, members of the Maryland Professional Employees Council (MPEC) spoke to delegates about the proposed move of the state’s Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) from Crownsville to Prince Georges County.

In a meeting with Delegate Ron George (R-Anne Arundel County) MPEC member Bill Walling asked specifically about the status of the DHCD move. Delegate George told the MPEC delegation that he had filed a Public Information Act request (PIA) to determine the status of the relocation of DHCD.

The contractor originally selected to


MPEC Encourages Job Classifications Review

MPEC is encouraging Unit G members to familiarize themselves with Article 14 of the current contract (Memorandum of Understanding).  That article specifically addresses job classifications. Unit G members who have questions about recent changes to a job classification, grade, or pay level, or who believed they should be reclassified, should contact an MPEC representative at 410/764-3030.

Members of the Maryland Professional Employees Council (MPEC) met with Scott Jensen, Deputy Secretary of the Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation (DLLR), January 16th for the first of several sessions intended to establish a Labor Management Committee (LMC) in the department.

The LMC is intended to resolve workplace conflicts between employees and management through a cooperative process. As a result of a provision included in the contract negotiated by MPEC, LMCs may be initiated by employees in any state agency.

MPEC representative George Myers and DLLR union stewards Wanda Butler


The Maryland Professional Employees Council (MPEC) and AFT Healthcare-Maryland discovered that several union members who worked during Hurricane Sandy as essential employees were not compensated according to the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and COMAR (Code of Maryland Regulations). 

Such workers should have been paid two hours for each hour worked and should have been credited with two days of compensation time for each day worked. Several state departments failed to compensate employees correctly.

MPEC President Maria Mathias and AFT Healthcare-Maryland President Debra Perry


State employees such as healthcare workers in Bargaining Unit E and engineers, scientists, and other professionals in Bargaining Unit G will find a 2% raise in their pay checks beginning January 1, 2013.