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MPEC, Local 6197, AFT, AFL-CIO

Join with the thousands of state professionals who are standing together for increased power over our working lives! 

Click here to complete the membership application.


Collective power: As a dues-paying member of MPEC, you help build collective power for you and your colleagues across the state. In every fight for better pay, safe work environments, and respect in the workplace, we have more leverage when we have more members. When we have collective power, we can win new raises, protect our rights and benefits, and provide better services to our communities.

Defend your rights on the job: Stewards and active members who know their contract are the best way to defend and enforce our rights in the workplace. Become a dues-paying member to gain dignity and


Union Night Rally 2025


We will join with union members from across the state for this rally organized by the AFL-CIO. Hear from union leaders, community leaders, and legislators about what we've been fighting for this legislative session! After the rally, join us in the State House to hear some of the proceedings.

Click through for RSVP, bus information, and MORE


We are pleased to announce the results of the 2024 MPEC election as follows:

MPEC Executive Board 2024-2026


President:  Jerry Smith

Executive Vice President: Anthony Jackson

Treasurer: Eric Eure

Chief Steward: Shirley Jackson

Secretary: Elizabeth Santin

Vice President at Large: Victoria Rideout, Daven Johnson, Markton Cole

Convention delegates: Wayne Jones, Tiara Moore, Termia Jones, Tenia Simon, Sherry Webb, Edwin Creecy, and the above executive board officers


** The 2024-26 executive officers will be installed at the MPEC Annual Meeting on September 25, 2024. **


Join fellow MPEC members from across the state for the 2024 Virtual MPEC Annual Meeting on Wednesday, September 25th, from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. This meeting will include the installation of our new executive officers, updates on upcoming economic negotiations, and a review of the union's business, including reports from our executive officers.

*This meeting is open to dues-paying members only.



Maryland Professional Employees Council Election of Officers and Delegates to Convention

In accordance with the Constitution and By Laws of the Maryland Professional Employees Council, (MPEC), AFT-Maryland, American Federation of Teachers (AFT), AFL-CIO, attached is the Nominations Form for the election of Executive Officers  and the Convention Delegates to the AFT Convention, the AFT-Maryland Convention and the Maryland State AFL-CIO Convention.

As provided in the by-laws of Local 6197, any full member of Bargaining Unit G, who has been in good standing for at least six months prior to the

MPEC MOU 2024-2026

This Memorandum of Understanding, or MOU, is the written contract between the State of Maryland and State Employees in Bargaining Unit G: Scientific, Administrative and Professional Employees. It defines roles, responsibilities, and rights of each party as they relate to employment, working conditions, and benefits. 

All members of Bargaining Unit G are protected under this agreement.

A copy of the signed MOU for 2024 - 2026 is available at this link.


We are excited to announce a tentative agreement has been reached with the state.

The MPEC bargaining team worked tirelessly to negotiate for better salaries and policies that would improve working conditions.


Here are some highlights of the new agreement: