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Tentative Agreement with State for 2015-2017

Maryland Professional Employees Council, AFT, AFL-CIO Local #6197 and the State of Maryland have concluded negotiations for a three year (2015-2017) successor agreement to the 2014-2015 MOU. We believe the tentative agreement provides economic security for our members during this very uncertain time of budget deficits and a new administration moving into the Governor's office in Annapolis.

The Union has sent a letter to the Hogan Administration expressing our interest in meeting with his team early in his administration to assure them that we have every intention of working with their team in a collaborative process to move Maryland forward and continue to provide the exemplary service that all of our members strive to provide each and every day for the citizens of Maryland.

We at MPEC know as a resut of the collective bargaining survey you sent us that there are many issues that did not get addressed in this series of negotiations and intend to pursue them in future contract negotiations. The leadership of the Union recommends that you vote to ratify this tentative agreement and continue to support us as we continue to negotiate future benefits.

The tentative agreement is as follows:

  1. Implementation on January 1, 2015 of the 2% COLA previously negotiated in the MOU;
  2. No furloughs for the life of the agreement January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2017;
  3. Salary increments, also known as within grade step increases, implemented in 2015 and 2016;
  4. Right to reopen negotiations over economic issues in last two years of the agreement;
  5. Service Reduction Days end with 2014-2015 MOU but may be renegotiated in future MOU's if they are still a priority to unit members;
  6. Maintain all other provisions of the MOU that exist in the 2014-2015 MOU, such as Labor Management Committees (LMC) and Health and Safety Committees;

The entire tentative agreement may be downloaded from our web site (Click here.):

Members who do not have access to the Internet may contact their Union Steward to read the full copy.

In Unity,

Maria Mathias
MPEC President

Click here to download a copy of this letter to members.

Due to the heavy holiday mail volume the Union is extending the time for bargaining unit E and G members to return their Tentative Agreement of the MOU ballot. THE NEW DATE THAT THE BALLOT MUST BE RETURNED TO THE UNION IS JANUARY 2,2015.

Click here to download a copy of this letter to members. - See more at:…

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