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Lobby Night

AFL-CIO Office in Annapolis
7 School Street
United States

MPEC and AFT Healthcare-Maryland Lobby Night in Annapolis on Monday, March 13, 2006, at the AFT-Maryland office on School Street at 6 PM for a discussion of legislation impacting us all.  Then we can visit our legislators before the 8 PM legislative session begins.

Be part of our lobbying effort on your behalf.  Please e-mail or call us at 410-764-3030. Let us know whether you can attend.  Please respond by March 6, 2006.

There are several important bills being considered by the Legislature that affect our members and all state and public employees.  SB348 and HB605 propose modifications to the Collective Bargaining Law, which would help your union negotiate with the administration and improve its ability to represent you.  Other bills, would reverse  prescription drug co-pay cost increases, restore layoff rights (for future job abolishments when funding is eliminated) and establish a $20 dollar limit on 90-day prescriptions filled through the voluntary mail order option.  Another item of great importance is a pension modification bill (no number yet), which could enhance our retirement benefits.  These bills are a priority for all state employees represented under collective bargaining.

Lobby Night gives you a chance to come to the Capitol and voice your opinions to the legislators who will make the decisions on bills affecting us.  If we don’t tell our representatives how we would like them to vote on issues affecting us, who will?  Let’s turn up the heat and fix our pensions, prescription drug costs, layoff rights and the collective bargaining process now!

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