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When will the State make us a priority?

Bargaining Update

Dear Member,

Yesterday was our first chance to begin presenting the State with the economic improvements that you deserve. In the last 16 years, members have received COLAs just seven times, and Step increases only eight times. State budget spending has increased, but each year, employees account for a smaller line item in the budget. 
The negotiating team is working for a FAIR AND EQUITABLE WAGE INCREASE
The State’s proposal for the fiscal year 2019 is Zero!

To some members, a fair and equitable wage increase will mean; 

·     Feeling valued at work. 

·     Being able to plan for the future.

·     Not living paycheck to paycheck. 

Tell me here what it would mean for you. 

Members deserve more. We face a staffing crisis. Recruitment and retention rates are abysmal, and a fair and equitable salary increase would go a long way toward helping solve these vexing problems. 
We also discussed our indoor air quality proposal, which was tabled at the last meeting. 
Members deserve healthy air in their workplaces. Indoor air temperatures and humidity levels should be controlled in all seasons—how can we serve the people of Maryland if it’s excessively hot or cold in our offices? Additionally, the State should ensure that workplaces should have proper ventilation systems that filter out harmful levels of carbon dioxide.

Our next bargaining session is scheduled for Wednesday, October 18th. We expect the State to continue de-professionalizing state employees by stagnating wages and assaulting your rights. The negotiating team is doing everything we can to fight for across the board fair and equitable wage increases and your right to participate in union activities.

We will be hosting an open conference call to provide an update Thursday, October 12th at 6:00 PM. 

How to Participate 

When: Thursday, October 12th at 6:00 PM
How to sign in: 
1.    From your computer -
2.    From your phone dial (786) 535-3211 / Access Code: 433-374-405

We need your help! Every member is critical to our success. Encourage your colleagues to join the Union. Have a conversation with Unit G members about the contract negotiations and how they can get involved, wear blue on Wednesday, and be engaged. Together we can win!
Click here to view upcoming events. If your agency isn’t listed,  click here to contact MPEC HQ to help with setting up meetings at your agency.

Thank your for all your do.

In Solidarity, 

Jerry Smith, President, Maryland Professional Employee Council

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