“So I won't have to live paycheck-to-paycheck.”
“Not needing to have a second job.”
“Being able to maintain my standard of living.”
Dear MPEC Member,
Last week I asked you to share what a “fair and equitable wage increase” means to you, and you responded. You told me you wanted to hold onto what you had, be able to save a little bit for your future, and feel valued in your work, in service to the people of Maryland.
One member wrote:
A fair and equitable wage increase means that I won't have to worry if my paycheck will cover my expenses that month (mortgage, car payment, student loan payment). I have worked at the [State] for three years now and have seen so many people get free training and then leave for similar jobs in the public and private sector. Those similar jobs are paying 10% to 30% more. … Expenses are going up all over the place yet our wages stay the same. That is not fair.
Another of our sisters and brothers wrote:
It would mean being able to help my son attend college. I would not let him even consider a private school because I can't afford it on my state salary, and I don't want him to graduate with a lot of debt. Even at Towson University (which he is attending), the tuition goes up 2.46% (for in-state students) EACH YEAR, and on-campus room and board goes up 3.96% EACH YEAR. But my salary doesn't budge.
These are just a few examples of what a fair and equitable wage increase means to all of us. Tell me more about what a fair and equitable wage increase means to you, click here
We’ve heard you loud and clear, and today the State heard all of our voices demanding a fair and equitable wage increase. That’s why we put on the bargaining table a demand for a 3.5% across-the-board wage increase as well as a fully funded step increase.
Last week the State proposed no increase in the upcoming fiscal year. In the fiscal year 2020, they proposed a scheme that was contingent on general fund revenues dramatically surpassing estimates. The State’s proposal was so uncertain that the criteria for a raise would have been met in just 3 of the last six years—we might as well flip a coin for a raise if the State had its way. That’s not a fair and equitable wage increase. That’s not a plan that will give you the peace of mind when it comes to the end of the month and bills are piling up. That’s not a plan that will help you send your kids to college.
You deserve more respect and certainty. That’s why we continue to push for a guaranteed increase for everyone in the unit.

The next bargaining session is Wednesday, October 25th. We will continue to press the case for a fair and equitable wage increase, protecting your rights, and fighting for a healthy and safe working environment. As always, I will keep you up to date on the progress we make at the bargaining table.
We will be hosting an open conference call to provide an update Thursday, October 19th at 6:00 PM.
The State needs to hear your voice. Don’t forget to share with me what a fair and equitable wage increase means to you, and share your thoughts with your coworkers too. Wear blue on Wednesday, and be engaged. Together we can win!
Click here to view upcoming events. If your agency isn’t listed, click here to contact MPEC HQ to help with setting up meetings at your agency.
Thank you for all you do.
In Solidarity,
Jerry Smith, President, Maryland Professional Employee Council