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Who Is MPEC?

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Who is MPEC?
MPEC is the union that represents Maryland State Professional Employees. In 1996, Maryland Department of Budget and Management separated state employees into separate bargaining units to be represented by specific unions. Professional job classifications are assigned to unit G by the Department of Budget and Management to be represented by MPEC.

I’ve never heard of MPEC, why are you talking to us now?
MPEC has been representing professional state employees since 1996.   All but four state agencies have been a part of collective bargaining since 1996. Employees of the Comptroller’s Office, Department of Education, Maryland Department of Transportation and the State Retirement Agency were excluded from participating in collective bargaining. On July 1, 2012 collective bargaining was extended to the previously excluded agencies.

I have been a member of a union for years, how is this different?
Employees of these four agencies could be a member of a union and receive grievance representation but they didn’t have input or the right to participate in contract negotiations.  They also don’t have all the provisions of the negotiated contract including the ability to sit at the table with management to address concerns or make improvements.

Can I join another union now?
While other unions may represent you in grievances, MPEC is the only union that can represent professional employees on making improvements, addressing workplace issues and contract negotiations. As a member of MPEC, you gain a voice in addition to grievance representation.

How does MPEC represent professionals?
MPEC uses input from members to negotiate benefits and improvements in your contract. MPEC members also sit on Labor Management Committees with managers from their agency.

What is a Labor Management Committee?
MPEC members and mangers come together to address workplace issues. All parties are encouraged to speak freely and resolve issues with the labor-management forum. MPEC members have a statewide LMC with the Department of Budget and Management, Departmental LMCs with Department Secretaries and/or Deputy Secretary and Facility/Institution/Local LMCs with Facility, institution or agency CEOs.

What are some of the issues that MPEC addresses? 
MPEC enforces all parts of the contract and has worked with the state on many issues including reclassifications, promotions, job study, furloughs, and overtime pay as well as various work place issues raised by members.

Maryland Professional Employees Council
7127 Rutherford Road
Windsor Mill, MD 21244-2754
Phone: (410)645-3062


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