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Member Lobby Night in Annapolis

Maryland Professional Employees Council members and staff were in Annapolis to lobby on behalf of their membership. They came to the state capitol to discuss ensuring Maryland state professionals were priorities in the state budget. President Jerry Smith and chief steward Ronnie Myers had meetings in both houses of the General Assembly.

Other members and staff had the chance to engage with other legislators. As usual, the pension was something of great interest to members. MPEC took meetings with the chair of the House committee on Health and Government Operations Del. Shane Pendergrass. Also attending that meeting was Del. Frank Turner who currently serves as the Vice-Chair of the House Ways and Means committee.

This was the last lobby night of this Legislative Session for the Maryland Professional Employees Council. However, the entire Baltimore AFL-CIO family will be rallying for labor in Annapolis on Monday April 2, 2018.


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