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Weingarten rights guarantee an employee the right to Union representation during an investigatory interview. These rights, established by the Supreme Court, in 1975 in the case of J'. Weingarten Inc,, must be claimed by the employee. The supervisor has no obligation to inform an employee that s/he is entitled to Union representation.

What is an Investigatory Interview?

An investigatory interview is one in which a Supervisor questions an employee to obtain information which could be used as a basis for discipline or asks an employee to defend his/her conduct. If an employee has a reasonable


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What does it mean to be in a union?
Unions provide the opportunity for working women and men to join together for a voice at work so that they can collectively address the things they care about. Respect, fairness, professional development and training and input in workplace processes are reasons people join their union.  

Unionized workers have the ability to negotiate a contract with their employers. They have a voice in how their jobs get done, creating a more stable, productive workforce that provides better services and products.

What is


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Who is MPEC?
MPEC is the union that represents Maryland State Professional Employees. In 1996, Maryland Department of Budget and Management separated state employees into separate bargaining units to be represented by specific unions. Professional job classifications are assigned to unit G by the Department of Budget and Management to be represented by MPEC.

I’ve never heard of MPEC, why are you talking to us now?
MPEC has been representing professional state employees since 1996.   All but four state agencies have been a part of


Is my job classification
in Bargaining Unit G? 

Find out at

Unit G Classifications
Job Classifications in bargaining unit G are listed on the Dept of Budget and Management website, and can also be found as an appendix in the back of the on the Memorandum of Understanding.


This Memorandum of Understanding, or MOU, is the written contract between the State of Maryland and State Employees in Bargaining Unit G, Scientific, Administrative and Professional employees.  It defines roles, responsibilities and rights of each party as they relate to employment, working conditions and benefits. All members of Bargaining Unit G are protected under this agreement.

Click here to download a copy of the 2021-2023 MOU for Unit G.


Article 6. Wages
Section 1D. Pay Equity Adjustment 

Effective December 22, 2021, existing employees in a unit shall receive a salary adjustment to match the step of the newly hired employee where:

  1. the new employee is hired on or after the date of signing this Amendment; and
  2. the step of the new employee is higher than an existing employee in the same unit, grade, and classification; and
  3. the higher step of the new employee is due to market conditions, as determined by the Appointing Authority.

For the purposes of this section, a unit is defined as a group of employees under the direct
supervision of

WHEREAS, the Governor of the state of Maryland issued Executive Order 20-03-30-01 on March 23, 2020 in response to the COVID 19 health crisis requiring  the closure of all non-essential businesses, limiting in-person gatherings to less than 10 people, encouraging social distancing, and requiring all residents to stay at home unless it’s for an essential job or an essential reason such as obtaining food or medicine, seeking urgent medical attention or for other necessary purpose 
WHEREAS, the MPEC constitution calls for an election of officers in odd number years, and the 2020 MPEC officer